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From Newborn to Infant, Toddler then Preschooler


At what age do babies start to crawl? When do they start to talk? These are some of the questions that parents often ask about their child's development.

Most parents track their child's growth and development carefully, looking for any changes or delays. After all, growth is an important indicator of a child's overall health.

While every baby is unique and will reach milestones at his or her own pace, there are some general guidelines that can give you an idea of what to expect.

Here is a look at some of the major milestones that kids typically reach in the first few years of life.

3-6 months:

This is when babies usually start to show interest in exploring their surroundings. For example, they may start to crawl or scoot around and may begin to babble or make other sounds. How To Survive Sleep Regression: The Complete Guide For New Parents is a great guide for parents with regards to sleeping schedules etc.

6-9 months:

Babies at this age are often able to sit up on their own and may start to pull up to a standing position. They may also start to teethe during this time.

9-12 months: 

Many babies take their first steps around this age, but some may not be ready to walk until closer to their first birthday. Babies also begin to eat solid foods and may say their first words at this age.

12-18 months: 

Toddlers at this age are usually pretty active. They may be running, climbing, and exploring everything they can. They will also continue to improve their communication skills and will likely have a vocabulary of several words.

18-24 months: 

This is when kids really start to become more independent. They may begin using simple phrases and sentences and start potty training.

2-3 years: 

Preschoolers at this age are usually pretty active and have a lot of energy. As a result, they will continue to improve their communication skills and will likely be able to follow simple commands.

3-5 years: 

This is when kids really start to explore their creativity. They may enjoy drawing, painting, and other art activities. They will also continue to grow in their language skills and will be able to have conversations with adults.

5-6 years: 

Kids at this age are typically ready for kindergarten. They can usually follow rules and instructions and are beginning to understand more complex concepts.

There are many different milestones that children reach as they grow and develop. Some milestones, such as learning to walk or talk, are more obvious than others. Others, such as fine motor skills or social skills, may be more subtle.

Tracking your child's growth milestones can help you spot any potential delays in their development. It can also give you a better understanding of what to expect as your child grows and develops.

Here are some common growth milestones to look for in children.

Physical Developmental Milestones

One of the first indicators of a child's development is their physical growth. As babies grow into toddlers and then into preschoolers, they gradually become more coordinated and gain greater control over their bodies.


Most babies take their first steps sometime between 9 and 18 months.

[Tip: Once they start walking, you have to remember to buy shoes that fit your little cherub’s feet perfectly. Otherwise, the shoes may be uncomfortable to use when your baby walks in them. Worse, your baby may trip and fall due to less grip on their feet. Don’t worry, though. You can find something that offers both comfort and practicability. Lightweight soft bottom shoes are the perfect pair for a growing child. These shoes allow your baby to extend their toes and grip the floor as if walking barefoot. Besides comfort, shoes with soft bottoms are practical for your child’s growing feet due to the extra space they provide.]


Crawling usually precedes walking, and most babies start crawling around 8 months.

Sitting up: 

This milestone is usually reached around 6 to 9 months.


Babies can start pulling themselves up to a standing position at around 9 months.

Speech Milestones


This begins around 6 to 8 months and is often the first step in a baby's speech development. Babbling includes sounds like "ba" or "da."

First words: 

Most babies say their first words between 10 and 14 months. These are usually simple words like "mama" or "dada."

Two-word phrases: 

Around 18 to 24 months, most babies start putting two words together to form simple phrases.

Social and Emotional Developmental Milestones

Children's social and emotional development involves learning how to interact with others and express their feelings. Children learn how to share, take turns, and cooperate with others as they grow. They also begin to understand and manage their own emotions.


This usually begins around 6 weeks.


Around 3 or 4 months, babies often start laughing out loud.

Imitating sounds: 

By around 9 months, many babies can imitate simple sounds like "ba" or "da."

Stranger anxiety: 

This typically begins at around 8 to 10 months, when a baby becomes more aware of people other than their caregivers. This is perfectly normal and usually goes away by 18 months.

Separation anxiety: 

Some babies may become anxious at around 15 to 18 months when separated from their caregivers. This is also normal and usually goes away within 2 years.

Cognitive Developmental Milestones

Cognitive development refers to the ways in which a child learns and processes information. As children grow, they become better able to understand and use language, solve problems, and remember information.

Some of the cognitive-developmental milestones that children typically reach include:

  • Recognizing familiar objects and people
  • Imitating sounds and words
  • Pointing to things they want 
  • Following simple commands
  • Understanding basic concepts such as up/down, big/little, etc.
  • Beginning to sort objects by shape, color, or function
  • Stringing together words to form simple sentences

Fine Motor Skills


This begins around 6 months and is when a baby starts to be able to pick up small objects with their fingers.

Feeding themselves: 

By around 9 or 10 months, many babies can start feeding themselves small bites of food.

Imitating gestures: 

Around 12 months, babies often start imitating simple gestures like clapping or waving.

These are just some of the many milestones that children reach as they grow and develop. Tracking your child's milestones can help you spot any potential delays in their development and better understand what to expect as they continue to grow.

Most parents eagerly await their child's developmental milestones. These are the moments when they see their little one achieve new skills and abilities.

Parents can do many different types of developmental milestones activities with their children to help them reach these significant moments. 

Here are a few ideas for milestone activities:

  1. Reading together is a great way to promote language development. It also helps to build a bond between parent and child.
  2. Playing catch, hopscotch, or other simple games helps improve coordination and fine motor skills.
  3. Building towers out of small blocks or filling and emptying containers aids in the development of problem-solving skills.
  4. Drawing, painting, and other creative pursuits stimulate the imagination and help with the development of fine motor skills.
  5. Helping out around the house with simple tasks such as setting the table or sorting laundry teaches kids important life skills while also giving them a sense of responsibility.
  6. Going for walks or visits to the park expose children to new sights and sounds, which helps stimulate their senses.
  7. Doing puzzles together helps improve problem-solving skills and memory.
  8. Exploring nature through activities such as gardening, hiking, or bird watching helps develop an appreciation for the world around us.
  9. Dancing together is a fun way to get some exercise while also promoting coordination and balance.
  10. Singing songs or telling stories are enjoyable ways to help develop language skills.

In conclusion

Developmental milestones activities provide an important opportunity for parents to bond with their children while also helping them reach important milestones in their development. By taking part in these activities together, parents can give their kids a head start in life and help them reach their full potential.

As children reach these various milestones, it is important for parents and professionals to provide them with opportunities to practice and build upon their skills. This can be done through a variety of activities and experiences that are designed to support each child's individual needs and abilities. By doing so, children can continue growing, learning, and developing to their fullest potential.

What are the major milestones of a child's development? What are physical developmental milestones? What are examples of speech milestones in a child? What does it mean for a child to develop socially and emotionally? What are examples of cognitive developmental milestones? What fine motor skills should a child know by what age? How can a parent help their child develop in a healthy way? How do I help my child gain developmental skills? Parenting, Developmental Growth Milestones


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