By Reggie Connell, Managing Editor
In case you haven't noticed, the Apopka City Council has had a tough month. Some might even call it dysfunctional. But at least one dustup between two commissioners may have reached its conclusion.
Commissioner Nick Nesta, who Commissioner Alexander Smith called out in an email last month that accused him of being "degrading, offensive, insulting, rude and disrespectful," responded to Smith in a statement of his own.
But first, here is some background on that infamous City Council meeting...
The day after a discussion about rescinding Mayor Bryan Nelson's 2023 censure, Commissioner Alexander Smith sent a scathing email to Commissioner Nick Nesta, describing Nesta's remarks to Smith as "degrading, offensive, insulting, rude and disrespectful."
During the presentation, Nesta called on each commissioner (Nadia Anderson, Smith, and Diane Velazquez) to vote against rescinding the censure.
Although Smith recused himself from this vote because he did not vote in the censure or attend the meeting in 2023, Nesta still gave his reasons why Smith should vote against the recision.
"Commissioner Smith, I'm surprised that you showed up to this meeting, to be honest," Nesta said. "And I'm surprised you recused yourself as well. I feel this vote would have been important for you to do, not only for yourself but also as an educator and as a clergy member. It's important to show you stand with those who are honest, have integrity, and are ethical. It's unfortunate that you recused yourself from this."
The next day, Smith sent his response to Nesta's city commissioner email account. Here is that email unedited and in its entirety:
"From: Alexander Smith on behalf of Alexander Smith <>
To: Nicholas Nesta
Subject: Comments at City Council Meeting
Date: Thursday, June 20, 2024 12:57:05 PM
Good afternoon Commissioner Nesta,
I wanted to make you aware that as a Black Male your remarks last night at City Commission meeting were degrading, offensive, insulting, rude and disrespectful. I find it difficult to understand how in 2024 a white male feels that it is ok to talk to a Black male as if we are still in slavery.
Because I’m an educator, Pastor and most importantly a human being I know how to conduct myself in public settings. To make a mockery of my chosen profession and the spiritual calling of my life I don’t take kindly. When we are in the chambers I would appreciate it if you would address me in my position and office as Commissioner.
Slavery is over. Black men are no longer controlled by their white counterparts and told what to say, where to go and where they can not go. I’m not sure when you were appointed as the Council disciplinarian and given the authority to reprimand. I would appreciate it if you would give me the same respect as a man and fellow Commissioner that I give you. I don’t reprimand nor make smart remarks about decisions you make or the way you chose to vote on a business of the council. I would appreciate the same respect. Because our viewpoints are different does not give you the right to reprimand. It is my understanding that all four Commissioners have the same equal rights. Not that I’m controlled by and dictated to by you: master how shall I vote, or can I vote!
Believe it or not I to represent the residents of Apopka.
It’s what’s inside of me that matters; not who is in front of me!
Best regards,
Alexander H. Smith
Apopka City Commissioner, Seat 1
Sent from my iPad"
About a month later, Nesta responded at the July 17th City Council meeting by delivering his response to the City Clerk Susan Bone. Through a public records request, The Apopka Voice obtained Nesta's comments, which are unedited and in its entirety:
July 17, 2024
Commissioner Pastor Alexander Smith:
First, let me say I am absolutely shocked that you would send an email with this content to my attention.
The appropriate action was finally taken on August 2, 2023, specific to the current Mayor of Apopka Bryan Nelson for his repeat documented behavior that consists of lies to the voters, lies to other people and lies and constantly withholding information from the Commissioners in Apopka, Florida.
Without a firm ethical compass, we have nothing in Apopka and nothing in life and therefore at a minimum the Formal Censure of current Mayor Bryan Nelson was necessary.
In no way did I nor would I ever "disrespect," you since to do so would be the equivalent of having no respect for myself as a MAN.
There is no "black" man or "white" man divide here specific to you and I.
My comments to you were focused on your inaction with respect to the Censure Vote previously taken that you were absent for after the Commission all agreed, yourself included, to move the vote to accommodate your schedule. That was the ultimate response and if you go back and review that you will see my position on accommodating your schedules. When the date came you were no call/no show/no email and offered no reason/apology to the Commission at the next Council Meeting, you simply took your seat, the meeting convened, and you said nothing.
It had nothing to do with the color of anyone's skin.
I voted to move that meeting as a sign of respect for you and your schedule as I know you are wearing multiple hats and beholding to many. The same respect was not shown through your actions to me, your fellow Commissioners and the voters.
(The City of Apopka Charter prescribes, Section 2.07, that should there be four consecutive absences from a regular City Council meeting without being excused by the City Council prior to the fourth consecutive absence.)
At that time, you had missed multiple meetings and the Charter empowers the City Council to act.
My primary commitment is to God, myself and my family and friends by way of following the rules and following the law.
My late father is/was a proud strong Italian MAN and a member of a community that is also marginalized.
I openly embrace and carry on my father's legacy to this day.
I would never seek in any way to dwarf or shadow what the African American community has experienced for centuries and are still experiencing via mental slavery on the part of some.
So, you see Commissioner Pastor Smith, we are indeed very much the same in a host of ways. The principals you campaigned on when you won your seat by default are important and noteworthy when we embark on service to the community.
I asked you as a Commissioner, a former Educator and as a Pastor (platforms you ran on) if denouncing lying, within those leadership roles, is important to you specific to the undeniable lies that were put forth by Mayor Bryan Nelson.
I asked Commissioner Velasquez as a Mom, Former Police Officer (platforms she ran on) and current City Commissioner if denouncing lying, within her leadership roles, is important to her specific to the undeniable lies that were put forth by Mayor Bryan Nelson.
I asked Commissioner Anderson as a Wife, Mother, Business Woman (platforms she ran on) and current City Commissioner if denouncing lying, within her leadership roles, is important to her specific to the undeniable lies that were put forth by Mayor Bryan Nelson.
Then of course I asked myself as a Father, Entrepreneur (platforms I ran on) and City Commissioner if denouncing lying, within my leadership roles, is important specific to the undeniable lies that were put forth by Mayor Bryan Nelson.
There is no "mockery" in asking you to profess and proclaim your thoughts about any elected official who publicly lies to the voters, the public and all the current Commissioners.
By way of your comment and reference to "slavery" and that "Black men are no longer controlled by their white counterparts and told what to say, where to go and where they cannot go. "I say this...WE were ALL at City Hall on Juneteenth 2024 a Federal Holiday in Honor of Juneteenth where many Americans were celebrating Juneteenth that day, marking the day in 1865 when the last enslaved people in the United States learned they were free. For many generations, Black Americans have recognized the end of one of the darkest chapters in U.S. history with joy, in the form of parades, street festivals, musical performances or cookouts and not by being asked to attend a City Council meeting to entertain a ridiculous agenda item seeking to erase the very appropriate censure action in place against Mayor Bryan Nelson. In 2021, President Joe Biden signed a bill passed by Congress to set aside Juneteenth, or June 19th as a federal holiday. (no USPS mail, no banks open, etc.) Neither you nor I set the Agenda for the City Council Meeting, the Mayor of City of Apopka, Bryan Nelson does and that CONTROLS what is talked about, where to go on certain subjects and where not to, unless people speak up.
You were not given any "reprimand" you were simply reminded of your chronological actions specific to the City Council meetings and your absence.
Previously, you made a comment when I referenced one of the times my family was threatened and I shared publicly that my wife (family) was upset by this and you demeaned my wife and implied that somehow, Mrs. Nesta must not be as strong as Mrs. Smith and that your wife is "pretty tough".
See the video below for reference:
July 5, 2023, City of Apopka Council Meeting
I maintain no crystal ball or any information as to how or why you vote or say or do anything you do by way of your "vote" and/or actions as a City of Apopka Commissioner.
I pray your voice in the email you sent me finds its way to the dais during these troubling times in Apopka when advocating for our residents, unhoused, Veterans, Youth, City of Apopka staff, Children in school trailers, etc.
Regards, Nick Nesta