By Allen Brown
Quitting smoking is a tough endeavor. If it were easy, you probably wouldn't be reading this post searching for ways to make the task more manageable! Nevertheless, thousands of people successfully transition from smoking themselves into an early grave to a smoke-free lifestyle where you can save vast amounts of money and not wheeze every time you walk up the stairs. It's going to take some serious willpower and determination, but the payoff is enormous. This article will provide a few suggestions and approaches to help you leave off the smokables and live a more energetic and happier life.
Consider the alternatives
While quitting smoking cold turkey is the most effective way to break the habit, some smokers find it helpful to explore alternative nicotine delivery methods as a stepping stone. Two of the most popular options on the market are vaping, which has become a culture all of its own, and the lesser-known but just as useful snus. Let's start by exploring snus, as it might be something you are unfamiliar with. Snus, a smokeless tobacco product popular in Scandinavia, provides nicotine through small pouches placed under the lip. While snus eliminates the risks associated with inhaling smoke, it should only ever be used as a stop-gap to help you reduce your dependence on conventional smoking. One of the more popular brands is velo snus, which is commonly available in Sweden but has been making its way over to other countries as the brand becomes more popular. On the other side of the spectrum is vaping, which allows users to inhale vaporized nicotine without a lot of the bad stuff that's in cigarettes. While the long-term health outcomes don't look good, for some it can be a helpful step to transition away from cigarettes. But do your research to make sure you're getting products with the least amount of toxins. Just like snus, you will need to taper off if you want to reap the full benefits, but the fact is that both these options can provide a temporary alternative to ease yourself into the task.
Mind over matter
Smoking is as much a mental game as it is a physical one. That's why getting your mind in the right place before you start is crucial. If you are unable to comprehend what's coming, you will never be able to quit for the long haul and constantly find yourself coming back for more. Therefore, you must spend time digging into your motivations for quitting. Is it for your health? Your family? Your wallet? Perhaps all of the above. Whatever the reason, keep it front and center. Write it down in a diary or whatever works for you; the point is having a strong "why" that will be your motivation that helps push you through the inevitable cravings.
Ditch the triggers
You know those situations that just scream "smoke break"? Maybe it's your morning coffee or even happy hour after work with mates. Those are known as triggers, and they can seriously derail your efforts and dent your overall mission. The solution is to ditch them, at least until you are confident they won't cause you to regress. Start your day with a different routine, and find a new post-work ritual that doesn't involve lighting up. It might feel weird at first, but creating some distance from your triggers can work wonders.
The buddy system
Almost everything is easier with a support system in your corner. Tell your friends and family that you are ditching the cigs and recruit them to keep you accountable. Better yet, see if any of them want to quit alongside you. Having a quitting buddy means you've got someone to vent to, celebrate wins with, and maybe even have a little healthy competition! Moreover, by having a quitting buddy, you will have a friend to hang out with while everyone else has gone to the designated smoking area and left you alone. If this isn't an option, you could join any of the myriad support groups that are often held online or in person throughout most communities.
Explore your options
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to quitting, and you may find that a combination of methods is better than choosing just one. Do some research and talk to your doctor about which method might work best for you based on your smoking habits and history. Be open to switching strategies if your first attempt isn't working. Finding the right approach is critical to improved, long-lasting results.
The long haul
You may have seen a link running throughout the hits post, which is quitting smoking isn't just a short-term thing. Those cravings can pop up months or even years down the line, usually triggered by stress or old habits. Have a plan for dealing with those moments when they strike. Maybe it's taking a walk, calling a friend, or just breathing through it. Celebrate your quit-aversaries to remind yourself how far you've come. And if you do slip up, don't beat yourself up. Just get back on the wagon.
Quitting smoking is challenging but not impossible, but it does require significant effort. It is important to keep in mind that the journey may not be perfect, and setbacks can happen, but with determination, willpower, and the right mindset, you can achieve your goal and enjoy the many benefits of a smoke-free life.