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Apopka City Budget FY2024/25

Breaking News: City Council sets millage rate at 4.8399


The Apopka City Council voted 5-0 to increase the millage rate to 4.8399 for its FY2024/25 budget. 

Apopka City Administrator Jacob Smith and Finance Director Blanche Sherman proposed a millage increase of 4.4376 at the June 10th millage rate meeting, while Commissioner Alexander Smith suggested raising the millage rate to 4.6876.

But at the July 17th meeting, the Council gained consensus for the increased millage.

According to Sherman, $8.1 million was transferred from its reserves, which stand at approximately $23-24 million after the transfer, to balance the budget. General reserve spending has increased by 14.4% since the last budget.

The approved millage rate of 4.8399 ends a streak of three straight years at 4.1876.

The vote preceded three days of budget workshops and a previous millage rate meeting (July 8th-10th). The final votes will come in September when two budget hearings will be held to ratify the millage rate and budget. The first of those hearings is set for Wednesday, September 4th, at 5:15 in the Council chambers.

Editor's Note: The Apopka Voice requested a copy of the FY2024-25 budget on Wednesday, July 10th, but has not received it as of the publication of this article. The FY2024/25 budget was also not on the City website as of the publication of this article.

This is breaking news and will be updated in a future edition of The Apopka Voice.

Apopka City Council, Apopka City Budget FY24/25, Apopka, Millage Rate, What is the total Apopka budget amount?


4 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • MamaMia

    Listening to last night's special council meeting, it sounded like none of you commsioners came prepared! Like the blind leading the blind, once again. The mayor called for a motion, and you all sat there like four bumps on a log, and didn't do anything. Even Commissioner Smith didn't make a motion for his own proposal of the millage rate, which he had previously proposed at 4.6876. What was wrong with you all? You were not prepared! Ms. Sherman, and the mayor both, told you all, that it had to be set then, and how extremely important it was to get it done, and voted on, and you all still sat there looking dumbfounded, and the city attorney has to prod you all into action....OMG

    Thursday, July 18 Report this

  • MamaMia

    It is bad enough we have people not even in our city limits pushing for our resident's tax increase, but even worse, because of the commissioners' inaction, and unpreparedness of making a motion for the 4.4376, that the city administrator, and Ms. Sherman, proposed, or the 4.6876 that Commissioner Smith proposed, so our own city attorney suggested the highest rate of 4.8399, really sticking it to us residents, and the commissioners listening to him. Well, thanks a lot Mr.Sheppard! I know you don't live here in Apopka, and won't have to pay it, as well as someone else in power, who decided, and won't have to pay that tax either!

    Thursday, July 18 Report this

  • MamaMia

    Potable water rates going up 40 percent per month, starting Oct. 1, 2024. Sewer rates going up 40 percent monthly, and reuse going up 15 percent per month! This is outrageous! I thought it was it bad with Mayor K previously going up, increasing every Oct.1, and all his increases of water services such as cut- ons and cut-offs, having to pay to be on "the grid", even if the water was cut off to the homes, or businesses, and yes, it was outrageous, and this is even worse! There are going to be people who cannot afford their own water to drink! People have to have water, to drink, cook, bathe, and flush toilets. Water is life! I think all this overcharging is because of the so-called volcano. That is not a volcano! I have been to Hawaii, and there are real volcanoes there. Calling it the Apopka Volcano has to be biggest joke around of our city! We, in the older sections of the city, will pay more to water our yards, because we don't even have reuse water, and we will have to use potable water, which increases our sewer consumption. Is it fair? No!

    Thursday, July 18 Report this

  • MamaMia

    Regarding the public comments, and the frequent speaker who said it is criminal, not to attend the budget meetings....well, go get with the police chief, and file criminal charges, and come and arrest all 58 thousand + of us, who didn't attend. Would that make you happy?

    Thursday, July 18 Report this