Although there are many important roles of government I feel the most important is to provide the highest quality of public safety and services to the taxpayer while at the same time maintaining the lowest taxes possible. It is incumbent upon government to ensure that the top priority is to equip its fire and police departments with personnel, equipment and facilities to protect our community.
I believe the most important role of city government is to be good stewards of taxpayer dollars and city resources, and to take positive actions to meet resident demands while always ensuring Apopka is set up for success for generations to come.
In order for our city government to be good stewards, we need to be empathetic, responsive and accountable to our residents, this is accomplished through continual process improvement, and making sure we are up to date in how our city serves our population in an efficient and cost conscious manner.
The city charter provides the foundation for how Apopka city government should work, and I fully plan to work within its framework if elected.
The most important role of government is to protect life and liberty of every American. In an ever changing climate of political change, the government must constantly adapt their policies to safeguard and defend the lives of all Americans. One area that requires policy change is how our government disparately treats large corporations from small businesses. When the government prefers one entity over another, the government is not protecting the lives of each and every American, but only the interests of a select few. In order that we protect the lives of all Americans, the Government shall not prefer the rights of large corporations over small corporations.
Lastly, I believe that the government must protect the liberties of each and every American. We live in times when one party holds the reigns of the power, it often forces its ideology upon those who don’t share it. Our nation was founded upon a fundamental belief that our country shall not establish a national religion. It would evil for a person of Protestant faith to force its ideology upon a Catholic or vice versa. Every American should be treated fairly and his faith, ideology or faith shall not be interfered with. |