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The cops might want to add these locations to their enforcement zones. I am wide awake, and it is only 4: 38 am. I was looking at the internet wondering, about of all people, Richard Simmons, and wondering what is he up to, where has he been, is he still alive? Richard has become a recluse, stays home most of the time, and is very happy out of the public eye. He had to get a knee replacement, and it was very bad for him, and very traumatic, and he has suffered a long time, with his knee replacement, and the surgery, and his doctors told him he needed another knee replacement, for his other knee, and he told them, no way was he going through another one! I also read that Richard was born without a full set of bones in his feet. I can only imagine the problems that could cause a person. My foot doctor, among all the various problems I have, told me that my muscles are wasting away in my feet. I asked him, why do you say that, and he told me look at the back of my heels, and put your fingers on both sides of your back heels, now do you see that hollowed out, indented area at the ankles? That is muscle wasting away. He then told me, use it, or lose it. I thought to myself, you can't be serious, I've got these foot problems now, from using my feet too much! I thought it was just a skinny area, probably the only skinny area on me.

From: Study: 50% of Central Florida drivers fail to yield at crosswalks within ¼ mile of schools

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