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Online Gambling: Is it even legal?


Online gambling, also known as a “legal grey area” is quite popular and readily available in many countries across the world. In the United States, many people are confused if online gambling is legal or not. But to let you know, the online gambling industry makes more than one billion dollars annually. This is big business but still, its legality is constantly being challenged.

To make it clear, in this article we are going to learn about online gambling and if it is legal in places like Florida and Canada.

Is an online casino legal in Florida?

In Florida, the laws surrounding gambling are often restrictive and tough. Although the

state issued licenses to many land-based casinos, there are some restrictions when it comes to online betting and sports.

Undoubtedly, in Florida, gambling is a significant source of revenue. According to the sources, in 2016 Florida earned $70 million in tax revenue alone from slot machines. The forms of gaming allowed under Florida’s law are: state lottery, Poker, tribal casinos, cruise ship gaming, Pari-Mutuel betting, and social gambling. However, it doesn’t mean that all types of gambling are legal in the area. It completely condemns online gambling sites, roulette craps, and other online gaming sites. According to the section 849.08, “anyone who is engaged or play any game at faro, roulette, keno, or cards for money or any

valuable thing will be guilty of a misdemeanor of the 2nd degree. “

So, in the State of Florida, operating and regulating online gambling and casinos are not legal within state lines. But, as the laws don’t mention online gambling specifically... technically then, it is legal to play casino games and gamble with off-shore poker, sports betting and casino sites. However, in Apopka, Bingo is licensed and regulated outside the United States. Adult residents can participate in the games, but state-based online gambling sites are illegal since Florida has yet to authorize online gambling. Florida allows and doesn’t regulate online gambling if the gambling location is overseas or offshore in International waters. If the sites are located and regulated outside the United States, players can enjoy online gambling.

Is online gambling legal in Canada?

When it comes to online gambling in Canada, you can find many legal Canadian casinos. There are two major categories of online gambling law in Canada - First Nations law and provincial law. Each province can regulate its online gambling law accordingly.

Online gambling is legal outside a few municipal and provincial restrictions in Canada. Moreover, there are very few laws that relate to playing online casino games. When it comes to placing a bet on a game of poker, the hand of Blackjack, or placing a bet on a sporting event, Canada offers a lot of freedom to its citizens. In simple words, it is not illegal to gamble online in Canada. Around 65% of Canada residents above 18 years have already placed a bet at a slot machine and other casino table games. Canadians can play online gambling games from their computers, tablets, or smartphones. There are no

federal laws that make online betting illegal in Canada. However, what is illegal is to provide gambling services that are not licensed or approved by the government. The laws are precise and clear. The real gray areas are for such companies that are operated and based overseas but permit Canadians to use their gambling websites.


As gambling laws vary from state to state, there are several online casinos that will be legal in one country and illegal in another. It is important to make sure that your country laws permit you to play online casinos. Gambling and real money gaming are popular practices in Canada. You can find several forms of government-approved offline gambling that are legal and approved in the country. Still, the laws related to gambling with overseas companies are not clear.

Canada, florida, Illegal, Legal, Online Gambling


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