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Fitzpatrick announces endorsements


Dr. Armbruster, Edwards Endorse Fitzpatrick - School Board/District 7 Race

Matthew Fitzpatrick, a candidate for the District 7 seat of the Orange County School Board, announced two endorsements by former Orange County principals. Fitzpatrick is taking on the incumbent Christine Moore, and challengers Isadora Dean, and Laura Rounds. District 7 includes all of Apopka. Fitzpatrick, Moore and Dean are from Apopka. Rounds is from Winter Garden.

Dr. Michael Armbruster, a Winter Garden resident and former principal of West Orange, Ocoee, and University High Schools worked with Fitzpatrick and considers him a friend.

Matthew Fitzpatrick

"As an employee of Orange County Public Schools, it can be difficult to get engaged in school board elections for obvious reasons-you endorse one candidate and another one wins and you may find yourself in an uncomfortable position," he said. "However, in this election I have to step up and share my support for a good man – Matthew Fitzpatrick - I have had the good fortune to work with "Fitz" in a variety of roles for both of us over the past 11 years and through those experiences, such as cleaning up the Ocoee gym at 4 a.m. after a homecoming dance or dressing in tutus to support the CTE Relay for Life team, we have become close friends."

Dr. John Edwards, a former teacher, principal, and Area Superintendent of OCPS agrees with Armbruster.

"My friend Matt Fitzpatrick will make a great school board member! He understands students, parents, teachers and administrators having worked in OCPS at many levels- high school, middle school, district, and career and technical. More importantly he listens and understands. He is running to make a difference, he will cut his salary in half, he is running for all the right reasons. The district is bleeding, losing teachers and administrators in record numbers. I want the bleeding to stop. Matt Fitzpatrick understands what needs to be done. I wholeheartedly endorse Matt Fitzpatrick. I hope you will too!"

Election Day for the OCPS Board District 7 seat is August 30th. If no candidate receives a majority of the votes, the top two candidates will runoff against each other on November 8th.

Matthew Fitzpatrick, Orange County School Board District 7


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