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AHS Drama Department announces schedule


The Apopka High School Drama Department has announced their 2016-2017 schedule and is looking for support from the community.

"We are looking forward to another fun filled year," said Erin Miner, AHS drama teacher. "Our first main stage show is Fantastic Mr. Fox in celebration of Roald Dahl’s 100th birthday year."

In addition to four public performances, the Drama Department will be offering a free field trip performance to Apopka’s local elementary schools. They will be attending the District 5 Thespian Festival in November. Six students will once again be participating in International Cappies, where they will attend performances at other high schools and then write a review for publication in local media publications.

There will be at least one Student Produced Works performance and have added a Hoka Ha: A Night of Improv for a total of 3 performances.

In February the advanced theater class will once again be writing a series of plays that will be taken on tour to the local Apopka Elementary schools.

In March a second main stage show will be produced. The title of this production has not yet been released.

The ambitious schedule cannot happen without the community's financial assistance and attendance at the shows! The Drama Department's financial help comes from benefactors, advertisers, season ticket holders and play goers.

There are several ways to provide financial support for the Apopka High School Drama Department.

Use this link to view and download the 2016-2017 Benefactor Form.

Use this link to view and download the 2016-2017 Digital Ad Sales Form.

The deadline for sponsorships and advertising is Wednesday, November 2nd.

For questions or more information contact Erin Miner at erin.miner@ocps.net


Apopka High School Drama Department


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