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Apopka pastor preaches heresy from the pulpit


Note: The Apopka Voice is beginning a new feature today called The Apopka Sermon Series. On Sundays, we will present an Apopka pastor delivering their weekly sermon. Pastor Denise Badger of Inspire Church will be the first in the series.

Throughout the ages, preachers have lifted their communities, towns, kingdoms and the world to better places through their actions, but also in their sermons. Saint Francis of Assisi preached and changed a church. Martin Luther King Jr. preached and changed a nation. Jesus preached a sermon on the mount and changed the world.

Pastor Denise Badger

Great preaching begins with the assumption that the listeners are hearing a message for the first time, and that while they are willing to listen, they must be equipped by the preacher in the course of the preaching experience to find the message where it is and to be taken by it where they are.

When a preacher accomplishes this, there is an “Aha!” experience. The sermon speaks directly to the individual. It can be an inspiring, life-changing experience that brings the person closer to God and enhances their life.

We hope you enjoy The Apopka Sermon Series and we hope it inspires you and brings you closer to God.

The Apopka sermon series

This week's feature: Pastor Denise Badger of Inspire Church

Sermon Title: Heretics of the status quo

"Jesus lived a life revealing that true religion is NOT about building fences around our truths, around ourselves… but rather building bridges to-- bridges to people, to new ideas and understandings, to God. As many as possible. So Jesus the Heretic, challenged, and risked, and spoke out for change, and lived in ways contrary to the established, known, familiar order, contrary to how it had always been done. Jesus, like the servants in the parable, took what had been given – in this application, the Law -- and he expanded it, fulfilled it, breathed more life into so that it became something more – more beautiful, personable, tangible…beyond rules to relationship, beyond law to life abundant, beyond fences to bridges. To another way of living life."

-Pastor Denise Badger in her "Heretics of the status quo" sermon


Inspire Church, Sermon, The Apopka Sermon Series


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