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An easy new way to support The Apopka Voice


The Apopka Voice is a free website because we believe accurate, comprehensive and fair local news should be easily accessible by everyone.

Local news shouldn’t be hidden behind website paywalls, expensive cable bundles, costly data plans or even annual subscriptions. That’s because accurate information is crucial to the functioning of democracy - especially a growing municipality like Apopka.

So we are asking readers like you to pay what you can.

We are partnering with PressPatron, an innovative startup similar to PayPal for news sites, to offer Apopka readers an easy way to support The Apopka Voice.

Go to this link, click on the blue box above the lead stories, and enter what you want to pay to help support our mission. PressPatron provides secure payment-processing for publishers like us.

You can change or cancel at any time (though we really hope you don’t).

We also sell local and national advertising, but advertising alone doesn’t cover all our costs.

By supporting The Apopka Voice, you’re contributing to true independent local journalism. We’re not a branch of a statewide media group or the local affiliate of a national conglomerate. We offer accurate, comprehensive and fair local news about Apopka.

Please support us if you can.

Our History

The Apopka Voice launched its news site in December of 2015. In that time, we have published over 6,200 articles. As the managing editor, I have written and reported about every aspect of Apopka news – particularly politics and government. There have been eight commissioners, and two mayors elected to the City Council since The Apopka Voice began, as well as six challengers who did not win in 2016 or 2018. And in those election cycles, I wrote multiple articles and features about each one of them without playing favorites or even making endorsements.

No one has accused The Apopka Voice of having an agenda that supported or was against any one of them. We have always called them as we saw them. We bring this same objectivity and impartial analysis to our investigative articles.


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