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Six cases on Code Enforcement Hearing agenda


The next Apopka Code Enforcement Hearing is scheduled for 6:00 PM today, Tuesday, March 21st, in the City Council Chambers.

There are six items are on the agenda.

1. 2417 Piedmont Lakes Blvd.

According to the Code Enforcement Officer, this property has a deck that is being used for outside storage and has multiple items being stored on it. The Code requires all properties to be maintained in a safe and clean condition. The officer has been in contact with the owner who has stated that his property is in order, but has refused to allow the officer to inspect his deck. Photos have been taken from the adjacent property with the neighbor's consent.

2. 1963 Borga Court

According the Code Enforcement Officer, this property is a rental house with an overgrown yard, inoperable and untagged vehicles. The fence and garage door are in disrepair. There is also, "junk, trash, tires, materials, miscellaneous items and debris" on the property. The officer says the tenant was given instructions on what to do in order to get property in compliance. There has been no response from the owner or tenant.

3. 290 Lalla Lane

According to the Code Enforcement Officer, this property is in violation of two sections of the Code; Walls and fences are to be maintained in good repair and farm animals, such as chickens and roosters, are not permitted in a residential zone.

4. 278 Lalla Lane

According to the Code Enforcement Officer, this property is in violation of several sections of the Code; there is a vehicle without a valid tag on the property. There are trailers, boats, or recreational vehicles not properly parked (in the rear half of property). Junk and trash is present. Walls and fences shall be maintained in good repair. Finally, major mechanic work, such as changing a car engine, is not permitted in a residential zone.

5. 596 Ustler Road

According to the Code Enforcement Officer, conditions on this property violate three sections of the Code; Trailers, boats, recreational vehicles may only be parked in the rear half of the property; Junk and trash cannot be present; nor can non-operational vehicles.

6. 2400 Schopke Road

On September 20, 2016, this property was found to be in violation Sections 302.4 and 308.1 of the Code. The property was overgrown and unkempt. The property was to have been in compliance by October 20, 2016, but was not. Therefore, a $250 per day fine began on October 21, 2016. An Affidavit of Compliance was filed on March 1, 2017. The fine ran for 132 days for a total of $33,000. The Code Enforcement Officer is recommending that the fine be reduced to $3,300, so long as the reduced fine is paid within 30 days. If the reduced fine amount is not paid within 30 days the fine will revert back to $33,000.

Use this link to read the entire Code Enforcement Hearing Agenda.

City of Apopka


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