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He really does change men



By Charles Towne

Well, what can I say? I guess it all started under the pall of a death sentence. That is something doctors are good at today, issuing death sentences.

“Mr. Towne you will have to be on blood pressure medicine for the rest of your life and let's not forget the cholesterol medicine, you will have to take that to keep the stints and the angioplasty clear. And here, this is also important, a prescription for nitroglycerin, only take it when you are having another heart attack."

"Okay doc, you know best."

The same scenario was played out for my wife, only worse.

"Mr. Towne you will have to place your wife in an Alzheimer's unit for her own protection. Here, these drugs will stop her depression, (They didn't say they would turn her into a zombie. And these two drugs are going to slow down the progression of Alzheimer's, and this one, now this is a doozy, one shot a week to the tune of fifteen hundred smackers per month! This will slow down the recurrences of the M.S. What's that? Naw; I don't get anything for prescribing these drugs! That's a good boy; you go home now and have a good life, bye, bye. NEXT!"

Two doctors signed papers recommending Nan's admission to a nursing home/Alzheimer's unit.

God, how could I do this?

So that you may better understand my quandary you should know that I have been a notorious runner. And I am not talking about marathons or sprints, I'm talking about running, as in, Awayyy!

After the tragic death of my first wife in an auto accident caused by a drunk driver those many years ago I remarried much too fast. That marriage ended in divorce.

Yet in my mental diapers without the good sense God gave a goofy gopher number three wife was followed by number four and then Nancy appeared, drawing me as a moth to a flame and I heard a voice, a deep Godlike voice saying, "Last chance Chucky my boy and you better get this one right!"

As I sat contemplating my belly button trying to figure out what to do next, God spoke to me again and what He said got my attention.
"Charles," (I always know He is serious when He calls me Charles this way. "Charles, Nancy just might be your salvation!"

Okay, Lord, I'll play along, how can Nancy possibly be my salvation?

"Well, let me count the ways!” He said. “First of all, it has always been easy for you to run when things got tough so that is something you need to come to grips with.

Secondly, you are impatient, often harsh, not really Christ-like qualities to be found in a man. Believe me when I say Nancy is good for you, so suck it up me bucko!"

After listening to about a hundred other reasons that Nancy would be good for me and being told to "suck it up" He added, almost as an addendum, "And remember Charles, Nancy needs your love!"

A few more minutes passed leading me to believe that He was finished when He whispered, "And remember Charles, I'm watching!"

Only an idiot or a lobotomized lab rat would forget that God was watching so I must admit to some misgivings when He felt it was necessary to remind me.

O.K., the pressure was on.

Did I listen to His wise counsel?

Yah, sure!

Did I consider it wise counsel when He gave it to me? Yes, absolutely. After all, It was God speaking!

Did I follow His wise counsel? Well, hey; don't get so darned nosy!

But time, like stomach gas, passes and we end up either sweet or sour. We improve or degrade, smile or frown, fish or cut bait, either or? Life is full of choices; we never stand still, and I found myself at choosing time.

You might wonder where I am going with this sordid tale and the best way I can answer is to say, upward and ever onward.

My Nancy, my dear wife is precious, she is a child of God, the apple of His eye, yes she is precious and as I treat her with love and grace, mercy and kindness, tenderness and compassion, patience and even more patience, she is slowly but surely returning from the shadowlands where she has been wandering for so long.
 As I apply all of those positive strokes, as I massage her with love, caress her with tenderness and patience and kiss her with joy, she fairly shines. 
I was on the verge of losing something precious, on the very precipice, the edge of the abyss but now God has given me another chance.

Have we arrived? No, but we, Nancy and I, are on the journey, together.

(And now my darling is in a nursing home, therefore, I must still have some growing to do.)


 "Dear Papa God, thank you so much for being patient with me and teaching me. Hold me close and teach me to love others as you have always loved me. Please bless my family and help others to see Jesus in me. Praise you O Holy friend, I Jesus blessed name I ask it, Amen

Charles Towne is first and foremost a Christian. An octogenarian, author, journalist, wildlife photographer, naturalist, caregiver, and survivor, his life has been and continues to be, a never-ending adventure filled with possibilities never imagined. He has adopted the philosophy that to Live fully, laugh uproariously, love passionately, and learn like there is no tomorrow, is a formula for a long and joy-filled life.

Charles Towne, Inspiration


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